Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can anyone tell me about an adrenal gland disorder? I recently found out after takingg blood pressure? -

medicine for over 10 years (hypertension) that the cause was my adrenal glands. Does anyone know any information about the function or treatment of this gland? Please help I don t want to be placed on medication that will have some bad effects.

Most causes of hypertension are called essential- in that the doctors have no idea what s causing the hypertension other than lifestyle factors. You re describing primary hypertension, where the cause is known. In terms of the adrenal glands i ll try to explain as best i can. The adrenals are responsible for secreting Anti Diuretic Hormone ADH- this regulates the amount of water in the body. If there is a malfunction of this part of the adrenals they will secrete too much ADH and fluid will build up in the blood supply, raising the blood pressure. The tablets you re on are probably either diuretics, or ADH inhibitors.

It sounds like you have Conn s disease also called Hyperaldorstornism... I have it . I t is a growth on the adrenalin gland that is not malignant... It elevates the blood pressure. Aldactone or the generic Spironolacto are given for it. Either controls it very well . The disease is not life threatening ... if controlled. You can also have the adrenalin gland removed.. They can now do it with a Lipo type surgery that is very easy.... the old surgery was pretty tough.. opened you up like removing a kidney.. I do not know if you can have both adrenalin glands removed or not.. I know you can have one if only one gland is affected... and upon its removal you will be fine.. no medication.. I have had the condition for several years and it is no problem.. You need to see an Endocrinologist occasionally and have the gland checked every year of two just to make sure it is not growing.. they can do a cscan or an mri.. hope this helps you. have a good day... also I take the Spironolacto (50 mg twice daily) and have taken it for 8 years with no side effects... It is a Potassium sparing medication... Hope this helps... if you have the surgery.. be sure and have the Lipo type where they just pull the adrenalin gland from the top of the kidney... the other way is a major surgery and long recovery.

You placed this question under cancer. Note that adrenal gland disorder is quite likely NOT cancer. The adrenal glands produce hormones that regulate blood pressure, amongst other things. The fact that you found out about a growth, tumor, or other dysfunction of one or both adrenal glands is a good thing. You can now look into treatment of the cause, not just treating the symptom (blood pressure). You may (or may not) need one or both of the glands surgically removed. Your doctor can tell you this. If removal of a single affected gland corrects your problem, you should not need to take meds anymore. If both glands need to be removed (unlikely), you will need meds to replace what the glands do. (Or did!) General Surgeons and Urologists do adrenalectomy procedures (removal of the adrenal gland). It can be done laparoscopically and by the traditional, open, method. (I suggest laparoscopic surgery!) I do not suggest one type of surgeon over the other. I d ask around for references to decide who does my surgery.

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