Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is it possible to lose 4 pregnacies due to PIH? -

Can pregnancy induce hypertension result in 4 miscarriages? The miscarriages always occurs before 24 weeks of pregnancy .

PIH normally causes late abortions, rather than abortions at 24 weeks. The abortions usually follow eclampsia in cases of PIH, where convulsions have set in and the BP really shoots up. In that case, it becomes dangerous for both the mother as well as her child. It is highly irregular for a thing like 4 successive abortions be attributed to PIH. Please get VDRL / FTA test done and next time you abort, get the sample of abortus checked up by a lab and they must also look for any genetic defects. Moreover, during the next pregnancy, please get you amniotic fluid analysis done for any metabolic or genetic disorder. Anxiety for losing another child may also cause some degree of raised blood pressure, which must not be labeled as PIH.

Yes, unfortunately, it can happen. I m so sorry this had to happen to you. Maybe you can ask your doctor how to deal with it before you try again.

Firstly, let me say how sorry to hear that you have experienced this. I am sorry, but I have not heard of PIH, Have you been diagnosed with it? Have you seen a specialist about it? I have had miscarriages but the cause was related to an underactive thyroid gland and thyroid antibodies. I suppose hypertension is not a good sign in any pg. and pg loss is possible but I don t want to speculate. May I suggest you put in quot;PIHquot; in a search engine and do some research on this. I am so sorry. The best answers would come from your specialist. Maybe your dr. could refer you to an Infertility specialist - one who specialises in the field of miscarriage and Infertility. Surely, there is some treatment for this condition as is there for thyroid problems(like mine) Best of luck!

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