Friday, May 15, 2009

Need information on a medical condition called quot;Woodys Edemaquot; affecting a 4 month old infant. -

The infant was born with an inadequate left ventricle and has had the 1st of 3 Norwood Procedures to increase the efficiency of his heart. A heart catherization indicated that he had pulmenary hypertension as a result of a condition called quot;Woody s Edemaquot;. Doctors believe the edema, not the heart is causing his kidneys and other vital organs to shut down. Diuretics work temporarily but evidently cause too many problems with his vital organs. Is there a cure or a way of treating quot;Woody s Edemaquot; that his doctors are not aware of? He will die soon if something cannot be done.

I am so sorry! The edema is caused by the hearts inability to effiently pump his blood. I have looked in every medical book and journal I have here in the house and online and can find no information on this condition quot;woody s edemaquot; I will however speak with the physicians I work with and ask if any have heard of it. If I do happen to find out any info I will post again. Wishing you all the best during this difficult time.

I do not know of any cure, but I wanted to tell you sorry to hear about the infant. Hope all works out ok. :)

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