Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My hubby when he is tired (which is almost all of the time) gets a really red? -

face which is almost purple at times. He also feels the cold when his is tired. He has been to the doctor but his doctor cannot say what the problem is. I m trying to get him to go back to doctor as it is spoiling his quality of life. He has neither hypertension or hypotention with his BP reading gernerally at 120/70. Would any medical professional out there have any idea as to what could be his problem. He trys to keep fit; also he refained from smoking well over ten years ago; however he is overweight but has a good diet. His liver blood were on the high side though. He does suffer from sinus problems and wondered if this could be the cause of his problems?.

It could be an underactive thyroid. Might be worth getting his blood tested for thyroid function.

I would suggest he talks to his Doc for some answers.My daughter gets red faced at times but usually if she has been rushing around.high blood pressure is often the cause but not in her case and obviously you say your husbands is ok so it cant be that.Its puzzling so see the doc as soon as poss.

Some people are just flushed naturally. It could be the way he s slumping in a chair that makes his face get red. I get cold when I am tired. Your body temperature drops when you sleep, so if you re exhausted your body starts the process even though they are still awake. Sinus problems can make your face swell which may effect blood flow. Perhaps you need to go to a different doctor. Nothing is worse than a doctor who throws up his hands and says there s nothing more I can do for you. See if you can find one that doesn t mind a puzzle. You may also try an ear, nose, and throat guy. They re more in tune with things in the head and may have some better answers.

Does he manage to sleep through the night or is his sleep disturbed? Does he snore? There is a condition called sleep apnoea which is easily treated by use of a CPAP machine (Details in link) which might be the cause.

it may also be just that his skin colouring is this type .. it is usual in red haired or blondes esp with Celtic ancestery. My husband is both over weight and blonde and sometimes his face looks like it could pop.... his BP is normal too.. my son is slim and red haired and gets very pink cheeks, like Prince Harry

Might it be Rosacia (spelling) I know that this shows by a red face often on the cheeks as this is where there is a lot of blood vessels?

I haven t a clue about what might be causing it - but i would suggest seeking a second opinion from a medical professional. Something HAS to be causing it and you should keep going to see different people until one has an idea or at least gets you referred to a specialist.

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