Friday, November 27, 2009

Can anybody please tell me how taking tomato juice with a teaspoon of paprika added to it act as a homeopathic -

remedy for hypertension.

its not homeopathic remedies are diluted until barely a molecule of the original ingredient remains in fact, a commonly found homeopathic dilution is 24X (same as 12C)........ at this level of dilution, the original material is diluted 1,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000 times and - at that level of dilution - it is possible that NO molecules of the original solution remain in the homeopathic remedy

The connection is fairly tenuous. There is a suggestion that dietary potassium helps reduce hypertension by increasing the amount of sodium (salt) that the kidneys remove in urine. Tomatoes contain potassium so many health food sites make the assumption that tomatoes are good for hypertension. The paprika is only there for flavouring. The recommended level or potassium intake is about 4.5g per day which could be provided by eating 10 large tomatoes.

Add some Vodka and you ve got a Bloody Mary. What you are describing is not homeopathic. Homeopathic treatments are diluted in water until there is no measurable active ingredient left (the Law of Infintesimals) For the record, there is no homeopathic potion that can effectively treat hypertension. Natural treatments involve avoiding salt, alcohol and caffeine, getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight.

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