Thursday, December 24, 2009

What is an alternative medicine for hypertension. Garlic? -

Garlic thins the blood. Cinnamon lowers bad cholesterol. (You CAN get them in caplets - take the equivalent to a teaspoon full a day.) DARK Chocolate has heart and artery strengthening bioflavinoids. The darker the better. Milk chocolate does nothing. (1 ounce a day.) CoQ10 is a heart healthy antioxidant. Nuts, (almonds being the best) clean out your vascular system. (A handful a day is enough.) DARK RED fruit juices strengthen your heart. Daily glasses of Metamucil (or the generic) lowers bad cholesterol. SMART BALANCE products improve both less bad cholesterol and more good cholesterol. Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine raise blood pressure - as does stress. So do high fat and fried foods. Cholesterol collects in your arteries - increasing pressure in the blood flow. Exercise reduces stress. Join a Gym or YMCA. -- I swim year round. I take all these supplements, abstain from what I m supposed to, and enjoy these foods. My BP is regularly 96/49. My total cholesterol is 153. I am on NO blood pressure meds. If you have skyrocketing numbers on your readings - make the necessary life changes - and use the meds to help knock the numbers down. Get the water soluble fiber and add it to all sorts of things you cook. Drink lots of water to flush your system properly. Begin the habit of the supplements WITH the meds... and then talk to your doctor about weaning off when the numbers drop significantly. God Bless, dear one. Peace.

Anytime, dear one. May God bless your life with His full intentions. May your blessings overflow. Peace. Report Abuse

There are different natural herbs out there to help with this. One word of caution: most of your modern-day pharmaceuticals come from these plants, animals, etc. The plants are not regulated by the FDA, so there s no way to check and see exactly how much of a particular substance is in whatever you are taking. There s not even a way to check on the quality, or even if they company is using the effective part of the plant! The plant will have the same side effects as the lab-created drug. The plant will also have the same primary desired effect of the drug. Some end up deciding that they may as well be taking the actual drug that is regulated and monitored by the FDA. If this isn t an option for you, you need to consult a doctor about how much of a substance to take and how often. Otherwise, you could send your blood pressure too far down. Garlic isn t generally one that hleps this.

Your Answer: Maybe ask your doctor what is causing your hypertension? Is it dietary related such as salt intake, cholesterol and weight problems, diabetes etc. Treating the cause will be better than the symptoms which may help. If its hypertension not caused by a particular condition some doctors often try simpler diuretics first. Garlic is good for heart health and so is Omega fish oils. If you are looking for natural medicines, there are herbs such as dandelion, hawthorn berries, burdock, lime flowers etc. All in all its best to speak to your doctor but if he or she agrees you may be able to find a good herbalist or health food shop to recommend something suitable for you ,accounting for any other medications you are on so as not to cause contraindictations.... Wish you good luck

There is no alternative medicine to treat hypertension. If a treatment works then it is medicine. Also, hypertension is really cheap to treat with medication and not something to take chances with. I currently have to buy lisinopril without insurance and it is quite affordable. I would never risk my heart taking a supplement that can t even make a specific claim that it works or not.

Garlic is good to use as an anti-fungal medicine. Since I have a chronic intestinal disease I take this quite frequently. The blood pressure pills I have are quite expensive and would have been over $350 without using my insurance so had to travel the 20 miles to get my prescriptions filled by Kaiser. Guess there is no alternative medicine for high blood pressure except the right kind of diet. See He wrote a book about this subject and many others.

There are handlings for hypertension. Garlic and Cayenne Pepper are two things that people take that often lower their blood pressure. Hypertension is not a disease, it is a symptom of something else wrong in the body. You need to correct what is wrong to lower the blood pressure. Often the things that are a problem, can be corrected with magnesium. Getting magnesium in a form that can be used by the body is sometimes a problem. The one form I found that I like is a Blood Vessel Support Formula You can read about it ta

I have high blood pressure due to stress, not kidney related. It took 6 months to get it under control with a combination of medications. One dilates the blood vessels. The other is to relax the blood vessels. You need to be on medication if you have high blood pressure, don t self treat it. It is more serious that people think.

Garlic does not treat hypertension. Medicine does. Along with proper diet. Exercise.

Mona-vie. It s from the acai berry.

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