Monday, October 26, 2009

Can Getting Excited Right Before Cause An Cerebral Hemorrhage (Aneurysm)? -

Can Getting Excited Right Before Cause An Cerebral Hemorrhage (Aneurysm) ? My dad had one and had hypertension but we didn t know about it. I was just wondering my dad got excited right before he got dizzy then a bad headache and about 30 mins later lost conciousness and never regained it . I was just wondering if his getting excited might have triggered it? Thank You

No, I believe his other comorbidities were a trigger. His previous medical history, and his genetic make up was greatly linked to this aneurysm.. Bulging aneurysm can put pressure on the nerve or surrounding brain tissue (poss. cause of his dizziness). People who have Cerebral aneurysms usually have a circulatory problem, polycystic kidney disease, or an AVM(arteriovenous malformation). Other causes are HYPERTENSION, tumors, atherosclerosis, head trauma, smoking, and drug abuse. Don t feel singled out--brain aneurysms can happen to anyone, at anytime; usually adults (usually 30-60 years old). A person may have an aneurysm and never know it their entire life, it is only when it bursts that it is dangerous. (loss of consciousness due to bleeding on the brain).

I think it just spontaneously burst. Maybe the excitement did make it burst but maybe it was his hypertension that was putting too much strain on his artery in his head that caused the aneurysm in the first place. Did the doctors ever check him for one?

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