Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can u please use each of these words in a medical sentence 1.chronic 2.acute 3.diagnosis 4.hemorrhage? -

5.infection 6. hypertension 7.edema 8.inflammation 9. intramuscular

After an entire summer of nasal congestion he was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. He had nasal congestion which began over the weekend and was diagnosed with acute sinusitis. His nasal congestion was diagnosed as sinusitis. He was hit in the nose with a ball and had acute hemorrhage of the nose. Clean the cut with alcohol swab so that it does not become inflamed and infected with bacteria or virus. His blood pressure was consistently high for many weeks and he was diagnosed with hypertention. His legs are swollen and my thumb can leave a dent in it so it is called pitting edema. He is allergic to the pollen so he has trouble with swelling and reddened inflammation in the nasal passages. The pain medicine must be given shot into the muslce and we call that intramuscular.

A chronic infection is an infection that develops slowly and lasts a long time. An acute infection occurs in the first 6 months of a person’s exposure to the hepatitis B virus. The patient has a diagnosis of mild head injury and postconcussion syndrome. The patient may have an internal hemorrhage that is invisible. Audit of clean wound infection has been proposed as a quality indicator for hospitals. Hypertension is often asymptomatic. Doctors define edema as an increase in the volume of fluid in the spaces between the body’s cells. Inflammation may be present in early osteoarthritis as well as in advanced osteoarthritis. Smaller volume intramuscular injections may be given into the deltoid, but larger volumes are usually given into the gluteus muscle. Inflammation can be acute or chronic and treatment depends on the diagnosis. The infection may cause hypertension leading to edema of the lower and upper extremities and ascites. The residual infection should respond to intramuscular injections of the appropriate antibiotics. If this does not give you a pass mark, more schooling is required. – Good Luck! Matador 89

1. She has a case of chronic liver inflammation. 2. Acute ear infections are common among swimmers. 3. Fibromyalgia was her diagnosis. 4. A hemorrhage can lead to extreme fatigue and possible fainting. 5. An infection is caused by a bacterium of microbe. 6. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can be increased by obesity. 7. Edema is usually a side effect of infection. 8. Inflammation is irritation within the membranes in the cells of an organ or tissue. 9. Intramuscular sites are the best places for injections of steroids and vaccines.

Sam was a chronic alcoholic with an acute sense of sniffing out bars and making a quick diagnosis of the liquors available within. His drinking was like an incurable infection that grew worse each day like a pickled liver bloated by edema. At times when Sam began to sober up, he became so inflamed and angry that he shook from uncontrollable intramuscular contractions and nearly hemorrhaged from his hypertension.

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