Sunday, February 14, 2010

Is it true hypertension can cause blindness? -

I think i have hypertension 3 month ago i went to a lap for blood test pressure was 136/90 pulse/min 80 they told me watch my cholesterol and then a few weeks back my office had a medical check pressure 130/87 pul/min 76 they told me cut down on eggs.Recently even my eyesight been very sensitive to the sun and also burly at times a year ago my vision was almost 20/20.I m also stress out a lot,then i read up a article about hypertension and read it cause blindness?What i would like to know is if i do have hypertension can all this be cure if i start treating it or em i in really big trouble will i lose my sight?I m too late?? Pls answer honestly.

No you are not too late. Fact is 130/90 is not as high to require medication in most cases. Just some changes in lifestyle keep the blood pressure under control. As for blindness due to hypertension - yes, you are right. Hypertension is known to cause retinopathy - thickening of the arteries of retina (eye screen). Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause even bleeding from these arteries. This condition may be symptomless or may result in blurring of vision and at times loss of vision. Interestingly, this change in vision is reversible by treating the hypertension by medication and lifestyle measures. Hope this honest answer helps wity your anxiety.

Horse-feathers! Report Abuse

You ve been mis-led. Glaucoma will cause blindness, but it s quite different. Glaucoma is excessive pressure in the eye fluids, ... NOTHING to do with your blood pressures (which are FINE). Also, disregard almost everything you read in books about hypertension. It s nearly all wrong. If you have problems with your eyes then go have your eye-pressures tested by all means, by an ophthalmic lab. or hospital.. But forget blood pressure.

Change doctors, for god s sake. This one is nuts. Your blood pressure is borderline high, you should be on a mild medication, watching your weight and exercising. Other than that, no worries. This dude is going to GIVE you high blood pressure worrying about it. Im a nurse 25 years and have never seen anyone blind from hypertension. If your eyes are extremely sensitive to light lately, see an ophthalmologist anyway.

= scared hypersensitive enegue, go to the web, google, and look into the articles, not for the professionals but for the lay intelligent sufferers and nurses and paramedics, about HBP, and any other doubt you have. you seem to be the gullible type who will fall into the clutches of any t..d...and h.... who will look into your palm in the sleeper coach and tell all about you. answer 1 from ? and 2 from student nurse and her fully qualified Nurse boy friend are good for a start. Get a family doctor a new young mbbs to care for you as long as he doesnt make experiments w you. and your retina and lens.

how old are u? your blood pressure is in a normal range for an adult. as is your pulse rate. it would only be a problem if you have any other heart problems. for blood pressure to cause blindness the top figure would most likely be above 200. you do not have hypertension. also the egg comment is a bit random. you need to relax and ask your docter to explain things better to you. as from what you have said you thre is nothing to worry about. your eyesight problems are unlikesly to be linked as if you go blind due to high blood pressure its caused by the vessels in your eyes bursting. also, your blood pressure can usually be reduced just by following a healthy life style, exercise especially. relax. you are fine. xxxx

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