Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stage 2 Hypertension diet? -

I just started at a gym to being getting back into shape and when I was with the personal trainer she did my assessment and now found that I have stage 2 hypertension. She took my blood pressure which was: 171/110 with a pulse of 80bpm a few mins. later 168/108 Well, needless to say she wasn t able to provide anymore more training till I get this lowered. So I have made an appt. with my doctor and will probably be on some meds, but here is my question: I have extremely poor eating habits, so what is a good diet for me to permanently try and maintain so that this does not get worse? also looking to totally revamp my eating style so I also eat less. Currently I weigh 210, 30/years old

A nutritionist is the best person to help You with the right diet for You. As for now, You may look up something called the quot; DASH quot; diet for people with hypertension problem. The following two links will be helpful: href="are also just some natural ways to lower hypertension but the true question is if You are willing to commit yourself to following them. First of all if You don’t eat garlic add it to your daily diet. Doctors recommend eating up to three or four cloves of garlic every day. Experiment with ways to use garlic in soups, salads and sauces. Prepare the cloves in a variety of different ways such as slicing, chopping, mincing or smashing them. You can even make garlic into garlic butter to spread on toast and crackers. If all else fails and you simply cannot stomach garlic or do not like what it does to your breath, check your local grocery store or pharmacy for garlic supplements. Other natural ways to lower blood pressure when it comes to eating include reducing how much fat and salt you consume, as well as fatty and fried foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis as you can, preferably five to ten servings. Vegetables that you should increase your consumption of include Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage. Not only will they do your heart good, but these leafy green vegetables are believed to be excellent at preventing and fighting cancer. Other natural ways to lower blood pressure include taking the time to exercise every day and preferably for 30 minutes a day if not more. Exercise helps keep the arteries clear of fatty build up and it encourages blood to freely flow through the body as it is meant to. Not only that but exercise releases endorphins in the brain which are “feel good” hormones that, as the name implies make up feel happy and good. Those who are currently inactive should start off slow. Do small things such as taking the stairs or going for a short walk on your lunch break and work up to other physical activities such as longer walks or time spent in the gym. Mildly active people should seek to incorporate more exercise into their routine as well as devising an exercise schedule they can stick to. Those who are already very active are doing their heart plenty of good already. It is important to always do warm ups and cool downs in order not to injure muscles as well as to vary the types of exercises you do to avoid boredom. Natural ways to lower blood pressure also includes what is sometimes referred to as “emotional rebalancing.” This involves many aspects of one’s emotional and mental well being such as finding ways to manage stress, learning to assert oneself, practicing effective methods of relaxation, setting goals that are within your reach and finding ways to be as good to yourself as possible. Natural ways to lower blood pressure include all non-medicinal forms of treatment and sometimes you need to do a variety of the above to help normalize your blood pressure. Also, You may consider taking supplements of Magnesium and Niacin. Good Luck !

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