Monday, January 11, 2010

4) What effects does positive pressure ventilation have upon the cardiovascular system? -

A) Reduced venous return which leads to a reduction in cardiac output. B) An increase in cardiac ouptut and venous return. C)Hypertension and an increase in systemic vascualr resistance. D) It does not have any significant effects.

Talk about hardball questions! Med or CRNA student? It can increase CO in CHF patients with Cheyne Stokes Respirations with central sleep apnea, but has no effect in those without. Also of note is that it can decrease blood pressure and CO, but I don t know if that is BECAUSE of venous return. I don t know this one.

A) Reduced venous return which leads to a reduction in cardiac output. Positive pressure ventilation leads to an increase in intrathoracic pressures which results in a decrease in cardiac output and mean arterial pressure.

A) Reduced venous return which leads to a reduction in cerdiac output.

Like everyone else...A

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