Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where can I find funding for a person who is on disability? -

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is what this person is having trouble with. The bills are extremely high for her medication and Insurance will not cover the medication that is experimental. Need help covering the extra expense of at least eight thousand a month for medicine and dr bills.

Find out the maufacturer of the experiemental drugs. Once you know who they are, call them. They often help pay for drugs, offer discount cards, or make arrangements for people to get their drugs for free. You should call around and see if there is a doctor that s willing to treat patients on a sliding scale, since she has so little they charge her very little. You have to be her advocate and tell everyone you talk to that she needs help. The pharmacist that is filling these prescriptions should have contact names of drug reps from the drug companies so they can help her get her drugs for free or at a huge discount. Tell members of your church that this lady needs help. There might be someone that knows someone that can offer assistance. You never know until you ask and you NEED to let everyone know you need help for her. Pray for her, ask your church to put her on their prayer list and be sure you tell them her name and phone number. People might offer to help her if they knew how to reach her (or you). Best of luck to you!!

Go to and you should be able to find some information there about disability, who is elegible and how to go about getting it. It s worth a try.

Regardless of age a person who is unable to work for a year or more is able to apply for Social Security Disability ( that comes with Medicare benefits. If the person never worked they can apply for SSI that comes with Medicaid. Go to your County Social Services and apply for PAAD that gives you help with Meds. Good Luck

Hey man! why dont your visit to iraq, they are looking such people like you!

call your locol health department or see if you have a free clink

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