Monday, April 19, 2010

Hypertension questionssss? -

can hypertension be treated with a coronary bypass, or is it uncessary?

Blood pressure measurements are the result of the force of the blood produced by the heart and the size and condition of the arteries. Many factors can affect blood pressure, including: * How much water and salt you have in your body * The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels * The levels of different body hormones High blood pressure can affect all types of people. You have a higher risk of high blood pressure if you have a family history of the disease. High blood pressure is more common in African Americans than Caucasians. Smoking, obesity, and diabetes, are all risk factors for hypertension. Most of the time, no cause is identified. This is called essential hypertension. High blood pressure that results from a specific condition, habit, or medication is called secondary hypertension. Too much salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension may also be due to: * Adrenal gland tumor * Alcohol abuse * Anxiety and stress * Arteriosclerosis * Birth control pills * Coarctation of the aorta * Cocaine use * Cushing syndrome * Diabetes * Kidney disease, including: # Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of kidneys) # Kidney failure # Renal artery stenosis # Renal vascular obstruction or narrowing * Medications # Appetite suppressants # Certain cold medications # Corticosteroids # Migraine medications * Hemolytic-uremic syndrome * Henoch-Schonlein purpura * Obesity * Pain * Periarteritis nodosa * Pheochromocytoma * Pregnancy (called gestational hypertension) * Primary hyperaldosteronism * Renal artery stenosis * Retroperitoneal fibrosis * Wilms tumor

am im not sure but usually hypertension is usually caused by too much intake of sodium/ salt,,,but it depends on the situation, high cholesterol can also cause hypertension since they cause build up in the blood vessels causing much pressure.. THE THING IS YOU DIDNT GIVE US THE ENOUGH INFO... therefore i find it hard to answer you.. im not even sure if my answer is right for you question,,,,

Coronary bypass is only used to treat serious blockages, not hypertension.

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