Saturday, July 11, 2009

How far use of alkaline water help a person suffering from calcification of arteries, diabetic retinopathy? -

I am 55 and a patient of diabetes and hypertension for over 25 years. On insulin for nearly 20 years. Two years back, I was in hospital twice with pyelonephritis, UTI and pus in prostrate. Impared vision due to retinopathy, shooting pains here and there due to neuropathy, cramps specially in calf muscles are the other more serious problems. How far alkaline water can help me? Is there any chance of aggrevation in my condition if I use it?

I doubt that it would help you. Good luck.

Give it a shot. A friend of mine had gout, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, failing memory, etc. and her conditions are clearing up. She has been juicing veggies, eating veggie soups and stews, and drinking alkaline water. She has been going through a detox patch and her weight loss has plateau-ed for a week or so. As long as she stays away from processed food, and junk food she feels great and has energy to boot. Good luck.

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