Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alternatives to blood pressure meds? -

hi - I was on a minimal amount of blood pressure meds prior to my wife s death in June 2006 - then it just started going up and up - and they have been raising my blood pressure meds. I started getting some normalcy on the new higher level of meds and then my dog died, and it s been high since. hypertension runs in my family - everyone in my family is hypertensive. I follow a low fat VEGAN diet, and get a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio exercise a day - but usually get over 60 minutes a day - so I work out almost daily. I live in Wisconsin and I m thinking about moving to Texas where my family lives. I thought I had friends here, but my wife died and after the service nobody called me or anything. I have been reaching out ever since trying to get to know new people, but it just isn t going that fast for me - apparently nobody knows how to handle death - nobody knows what to say - everybody acts all freaked out and everything. it s not my fault. I haven t cried yet (continued)

Homeopathic Remedies for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) :- Head remedy; with nervousness (during pregnancy use with care) Rauwolfia S.Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly With depression; suicidal tendency; cardiac symptoms Aurum Met 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses) With arteriosclerosis and senile paresis Aurum Iod 30X, 6 hourly With senility and senile behavioural changes Baryta Carb 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses) Systolic pressure high and diastolic pressure very low Baryta Mur 3X or 6X, 4 hourly With constriction in heart region and anginal pain Cactus G.Q(Mother Tincture) or 30X, 3 hourly For fat and flabby patient; sweat on head, palms and soles, craving for eggs; chilly patient Calcarea Carb 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses) In old age;old bachelors and old maids Conium Mac 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses) Palpitations in slight exertion; dyspnoea, insomnia and gastric complaints Crataegus Ox.Q(Mother Tincture) or 30X 4 hourly Due to shock (broken love affair etc) emotional disturbances Ignatia 200X or 1M 4 hourly(3 Doses) Due to congestion in brain; severe headache, lassitude and dizziness Glonoine 3X or 6X, 1/2 hourly Due to syphilitic origin; lancinating pain in head and bones Kali Iod.30X or 200X 4 hourly (3 Doses) Due to gastric origin; flatulence; craving for sweets and warm food; worse 4 - 8 P.M. Lycopodium 30X or 200X, 4 hourly Due to shock or grief; hyperthyroidism, goitre, addision s disease, diabetes ,etc. Desire for salt preparations Natrum Mur 200X or 1M 10 min (3 Doses) In syphilitic cases; angina pectoris; vertigo, dyspnoea and endocarditis Natrum Iod.30X or 200X 10 min (3 Doses) In tall, intelligent, hypertensive people; craves for icy cold things; fear of dark and stroms, etc. Phosphorus 30X or 200X 10 min (3 Doses) With sclerotic degeneration specially of spinal cord Plumbum Iod 30X or 200X, 6 hourly Due to grief; apprehension, dullness, loss of thirst etc. Gelsemium 30X or 200X, 3 hourly During menopausal stage; worse after sleep; great loquacity Lachesis 30X or 200X, 4 hourly Bursting pain in head; better by cold application, pressure, vertigo; palpitation of heart; worse when alone; sleeplessness with heaviness in head; oedematous swelling on face and legs Boerhaavia Diffusa Q (Mother Tincture) or 6X , 4 hourly Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge. Curing without any side effects or Complications; thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine Take Care and God Bless all of you.. Please check this article too about Hypertension :-

You really really need to go to a grief counseling support group. there are usually free or lo cost groups in every county. If you are a Senior, they may go better, as the young widows are not there so much for counseling as to hit on a lonely man. Maybe that would be your best bet. You MUST LETthe tragedies go. It is not up to OTHER PEOPLE to make you happy, This is going to be up to YOU. Plan out your new life and get on with it. Crawl out of that hole. Just get outside and do something.

One thing that my grandfather took for almost 50 years to help lower his blood pressure was bugle,also known as carpenters weed,sickle wort or middle comfrey.He would make tea out of the leaves and some times also from the roots. There are a few different varieties but it doesn t really matter which one you use. Bugle can also be used as a mild laxative analgesic helps allays coughs and irritations helps rheumatism and can also be used as a mild narcotic. I hope I was of some help.Take care.

My sympathy for your losses. Cider vinegar (not cider flavored) helps reduce blood pressure. Drink 1/2 - 1 ounce daily. You ll cry when you re ready. Maybe people aren t calling because they don t know what to say and are afraid of appearing shallow.

ok now stop there!! there is a lot of self pity going on here! no onewants to be with someone whos always down as you seem to be! i myself have been through a lot in the last three years, i lost my husband to brain cancer and 6 months later i got breast cancer! while my husband was ill we got married in the hospital chapel a very emotional time, BUT, i made sure i tried to lead as normal a life a possible! our 10 year old daughter was bridesmaid and during the last few weeks of his life both my daughter and i LIVED in the hospital as we didnt know how long he had left a he developed double phnemonia! i had to get my daughter off to school from the hospital or she had to stay with friends, this was a very disruptive time for my child but as i said we tried to live as normal a life as possible, from what i can read from the first few lines of yours is that you dont seem to want to give out to people but want people to come to you??! durung the time my husband was ill i still did my best to help my local church with a charity event that ive always helped on, and even kept up with my aromatherapy classess giving my husband palitive treatment, as my test case, with approval from him and the Drs! I suggest you get out more and give something back ! go and get a session of reiki teatments its a wonderful way to reduce blood pressure, sorry if im preaching here but i think you need to go and visit your friends and not expect them to run after you! show some independence!

AYahoo search for quot;high blood pressurequot; + quot;natural remediesquot; will help you. Besides garlic, fish oil and hawthorn there are quite a few others that you will come across in the above search.

First of all I am sorry that you are going through and I will keep you in my prayers. It is very hard when things seem to come down all at once. It sounds that you are grieving in your own way, but crying is only one way of release. I think people have distanced themselves to give you time to heal, and because they are lost for words. Your body s natural response has resulted in your increased health problems. None handles death! It is something you must look to God and ask Him to carry you through. Each time we go through a test in life we should come out stronger and more knowlegeable in the lessons we are taught through the experience. I have a whole list of things that I can give you that will help with yours symptoms, but the best one I have found works on depression, as well as blood pressure, and other health issues. Check it out for yourself: http//

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