Sunday, December 27, 2009

I have hypertension, what is the best drug for stress? -

To reduce hypertension, my doctor recommended losing weight, eliminating caffeine (I now drink mostly decaf coffee and tea), reducing my sodium intake (use reduced sodium or quot;lite saltquot; products) and doing exercise (brisk walking was recommended), to bring down my high blood pressure. Make sure you drink the recommended amount of water per day to flush excess sodium out of your system. Any relaxing activity that helps you, like meditation, is good. Staying away from too much sugar and chocolate is good too. Also, stay away from licorice. It has something that increases blood pressure. Also, some herbal teas, like green tea, have lots of caffeine - as do many sodas, like Coke or Pepsi. Read the labels. Get the decaf version. I read that B vitamins are essential if you are under stress, so you might try a B-complex in addition to your daily multivitamin. If nothing works and your pressure is still way above the normal range for your age - as it was with me - then your doctor must prescribe medication that fits the kind of high blood pressure you have. There are several kinds - beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, etc. It depends if it s the systolic or diastolic or both that are high. My high blood pressure medication treats both since both readings are high. My doctor also recommends the 81mg daily aspirin therapy for me. I wouldn t do this unless prescribed since aspirin irritates the stomach and some people have had ulcers and digestive irritation as a result. Your doctor may have more suggestions for lowering your blood pressure before prescribing drugs. I would ask.

There are many drugs to control (lower) hypertension (high blood pressure. You need to consult a doctor (physician) who will prescribe the best drugs for you. From now on you also need to have a regular check on your blood pressure. Remember severe hypertension can cause stroke (paralysis). I also want to warn you that some of the hypertension drugs can lower a man s sexual libido.

i guess i would have to ask, do you make time for yourself to unwind? maybe try a hot bath at night to relax yourself. and maybe read before going to sleep at night. sometimes drugs have adverse side effects, so i would try something more natural. you owe it to yourself to do this. i have a very stressful career and find just being simple and slowing down once i am home helps allot. good luck!


no drugs! just extra exercise.

a better job, and take time to smell the is too short to stress out and get sick and then try to fix it with drugs.... rediscover who you are.... it should help. good luck!

Reduce Stress By Exercising

yourself will be the best medicine for stress. tame yourself to lesser pressures and learn to breath longer once in a while. you should free your mind of worries because it will really eat you up. think of the rainbow, the fresh green grass, the birds in the sky, the deep blue ocean. if you do that frequenly, stress will gradually leave you.

see a doctor and read up on th meds before trying them some of them are more deadly than a desease

For me, alcohal (if you do not over do it of course)

Walking and meditation! Also eat a controlled carb diet. Get some books on controlling your carbs and why. One of the best is, quot;Living the Low Carb Lifequot; by Jonny Bowden. It will change your life! Drugs beget drugs begets drugs. Oh, and make sure you have high blood pressure. Get another opinion. I had a cardiologist prescribe blood pressure medication for me after taking 1 blood pressure reading in his office. He was adament that I had high blood pressure. I went to another cardiologist - he said that my blood pressure was up a bit but that was probably because I was in a cardiologists office. He wanted to wait until all of the tests (thallium stress, etc) were done before he prescribed anything. After the tests were done, he told me that I didn t need a thing! Everything was great. The first guy would have had me on drugs when I didn t even have high blood pressure - YIKES! Take care of yourself.

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