Sunday, December 27, 2009

My wife is due April 24 and she was just diagnosed with hypertension and has protein in her urine.? -

What are the dangers? What do we need to do? Any advice?

It s pre-eclampsia. Right now her body is basically rejecting the fetus as well as other body organs. She needs to be on bed rest, mainly on her left side. Chances are her doctor will either force strict bed rest at home or in a hospital. Expect a lot of 24-hour urine tests and many blood drawings. If you are lucky enough to stay at home, expect a home nurse to stop by for vitals. The best advice I can give your wife (I was hospitalized with pre-eclampsia for 3 weeks) is to just relax. This is a losey end, so just be there for her. Paint her nails. Treat her. MAKE her relax. Also, prepare for the baby NOW. Pre-eclampsia is only cured by delivery, and it s not unsual for doctors to induce. The good news is that doctors are trained in this. Even if she has to stay in the hospital, everything will be fine. Doctors will monitor her and everything will be fine. Just prepare her also for the thought of a c-section. The baby and mother s health come first, not the wants of the mother. I know it s hard. Also, give your wife some control. That s the one thing that killed me. When you have this complication, you REALLY have to stay laying on your left side. Ask her to pick out paint, pick out the layout of the nursery, etc. Get her to plan meals for when the baby is born. Give her things to do.

she might be developing preeclampsia. She needs to be closely monitored, since she will be the one in danger if her blood pressure goes too high. She must have her BP taken 3 times a day, dialy. Any sudden change or if she starts feeling sick, go to the ER asap. Most women who get preeclampsia develop a mild version near their due date and they and their babies do fine with proper care. But when preeclampsia is severe, it can affect many organs and cause serious or even life-threatening problems. That s why she ll need to deliver early if her condition is severe. In most cases after the labor is induced, her BP will go back to normal easily.

I don t know if there is anything YOU can do. If there is anything that can be done wouldn t your doctor have told you?

1). The dangers of course of hypertension are cardiovascular related events such as Strokes (CVA) and Heart Attacks (MI s), and in your wife s case hypertension can lead to a condition called Pre-Eclampsia, which presents the possibilty of severe seizures ( A Paramedic s understanding) 2). I believe that protein in the urine is indicitive of Nephrosis...basically a leakage from blood to urine. A possible quot;dangerquot; of kidney related problems is to end up on Dialysis, a process in which a machine attempts to quot;do your Kidney s jobquot;. 3). Listen to and follow your MD s instructions 4). Best of luck, feel well and have fun!

I assume a doctor diagnosed these things? ASK THE DOCTOR. That s the quickest way to get a comprehensive and correct answer to your questions.

I had this as well. It was not fun your blood pressure can go really high. You can swell..If she wears any rings or jewelry I would advise her to take them off.. I wore my engagement and wedding rings on a chain around my neck. If she feels lightheaded or fuzzy, blurred vision,headache,(I would get a complete list of things to watch for from the doctor I do not remember all the symptoms)call the doctor right away. I delivered my daughter at 36 weeks because of this so I would prepare the things for the hospital now so that you will not have to get it ready at a moments notice. Good Luck and God Bless

yes, that s right. she has Pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). she is developing pre-eclampsia, which is characterized by proteinurea, edema ( 1+ to 2+), and hypertension. You really need to monitor her for edema, esp. facial and hand edema, BP, protein in the urine. Just tell to be on bedrest, less stimulation is very important, becoz if she continously had overstimulation, she could go into seizures. For example, no bright lights, no traffic commotion, volume of TV/Radio shud be turned down. and so more. also tell her to notify the doc if she has any of the following symptoms: headache, epsgastric or abdominal pain, visual changes, BP of 160/110, hyperreflexia, increased edema, and 4+ proteinurea. keep up with prenatal visits regulraly.

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