Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Breastfeeding problems? -

i was drugged because i had hypertension when i gave birth to my baby, so instead of me having to breastfeed like i planned they put him on infamil. he wont breastfeed. its been 6 wks now and i am not lactating at all, and i was wondering does it stop lactating if the baby isnt taking it or how does that work? because i find myself having to sqeeze really hard to get my breast flowing when he s hungry but i cant get it to make him full either? i drink lots of water but whats going on?

yes this is a supply and demand issue....if the breasts are not being stimulated then there is no need for them to produce milk EVERYTIME you feed him attemp to put him to the breast....before he gets fussy from being hungry try to get him to latch on.....if he won t then you need to pump....EVERYTIME you feed him from a bottle you need to pump....your breasts will very quickly receive the signal they need to start producing if he does latch but you know you are not making much right now cuz you are weaning him off the formula then feed him every hour, every half hour....i know that seems crazy but do what is takes to get your milk flowing and before long you will have a full milk supply and then you can drop to feeding him every 2-3 hours please visit your local la leche league or lactation consultant for hands on help!!!! good luck and PLEASE don t give up on this....your body was made to do this honey and you can do this

Its a use it or lose it problem Get a breast pump and use it after he takes the bottle. Your hormones will be most active after you have been holding him. Next feeding put some milk on your finger so he gets the taste. Smear some on your nipple so that he knows where that taste will come from. Get the Playtex feeding system (more like the breast shape) The baby is lazy and doesn t want to work at the breast. You can call your local Nursing staff at the hospital and they will help you with getting a Lactating Nurse.

Your only chance after 6 weeks is letting him nurse...and feeding him formula, the sucking from your baby may possibly get it going again..good luck!

In order to produce milk - your nipples have to receive stimulation and baby is the best to do this for you. Unfortunately - once a baby gets a taste for formula - it s thick and sweet and rich - they will not want to switch. See a lactation specialist and call your local la leche league for help on what to do. There is a device you can use to help baby nurse and wean him back to the breast - it pumps a little formula into baby while he sucks from the breast to make sure he s getting enough nutrition. Once he s been trying often enough to establish your milk supply and get him used to it - you can switch him over. If baby doesn t feed or doesn t feed often enough - you can dry out - if that has happened - it s like starting from square one - talk to la leche league about fennugeek - it really helps establish your milk supply. My first baby - those nurses gave him formula because they decided over my wishes to do that so I could rest my first couple of nights and I tried EVERYTHING and just couldn t get it going - then I got gallbladder disease and after that the milk totally dried up because I had to stop feeding her for awhile and couldn t keep up on using a pump at the hospital. Oh, and a hospital grade pump will also help get the milk out and establish your supply if that is needed. See baby gets nipple confusion because they use different muscles to get milk from mommy versus a bottle. This is not going to be easy but can be done!

The baby needs to latch on , so you can produce more. You can also call the lactation specialist at the clinic where you had your baby. They have special breast pumps that you can rent ( you only rent the pump, not the bottles and attachments) They work 10 times better than your own , and it will help you to get some of the milk back . Also , Try giving the baby only 1/2 of the amount of formula that he would normally drink before bed time. Once the baby is asleep ( and still hungry ) try to breastfeed. The baby will not realize it and will start feeding. Do this a couple of nights on a row to get your body to produce more.

try massaging your boobs several times a day ...atleast for 5 min before feeding...if it isnt enough for him supplement it with formula

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