Monday, August 24, 2009

Please help. I have no self discipline..? -

How do you get over poor self discipline? I am a perfectionist, i have bad anxiety a lot. I get overwhelmed by everything because I take on too much and I am obsessed with cleaning my immediate surrounding... I also find it hard to bring my self to do something before 3am if I don t think I can do it well, so my grades are going down. This leads to self neglect, not washing and eating either too much - all crap, or too little. I don t exercise because my anxiety had given me a heart health phobia. (I have tremor, palpitations, hypertension, hyperventilation and panic attacks etc) Does anyone have constructive criticism/ advice? It makes me a depressive, self-destructive, mean insomniac! I am 16, i currently feel doomed to failure.

i think you need to give yourself more credit * you ve written this question in the mental health section which is exactly where it should be * you ve identified some key problem areas in your life this may not sound like much, but it s huge you realize what s happening in your life and what you are doing isn t working, you are looking for help/advice and you are able to pinpoint some triggers for you i know you probably feel overwhelmed right now and you re not quite sure what to do next, but honestly i think you are way ahead of the game lots of people in your situation don t even know how to articulate what they are going through first thing, you need to talk to your doctor they will be able to help you if you are comfortable, you should try talking to your family at 16, hopefully they will be supportive and do what they can for you but if you are not able to rely on your family then go and talk to your doctor you are 16 and you are NOT doomed to failure i read your story and feel bad about what s going on, it really sucks! but you are so good at identifying your issues which is typically more than half of the problem you simply need to look at solutions i m excited for you i know that sounds weird, but i think if you get help for these issues you will look back on this one day and realized that indeed you had a lot of the ground work done and it s a matter or finding solutions best of luck

Do you meditate? You need some peace in your life to accept the beautiful things about YOU! Try to meditate, or pray daily. Start with 5minutes and add a minute or 2 everyday til you get to 30 minutes. Also exercise...walk brings out the good brain checmicals that you need with al the stress you have - it brings out the bad brain chemicals and is an additioanl reason why you may feel so bad. Health dear. Not perfection. Grades are NOT as important as health. Good luck honey. You are so young and have so much to look forward to!

First and foremost, you need to call your local Mental Health Facility, or your family doctor and tell them everything that is going on with you. You may have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorer), which needs to be addressed immediately before it or you get completely out of control. Good Luck to you.....

I don t know what your relationships with young men have been but from the sound of it I m picking up somebody has really nailed your feelings way too hard! You definitely need a caring older individual (pastor, counselor, wiser older woman, etc) and PLEASE get some help soon! You are entitled to a full and happy life! Please get the help you need so that you can fulfill yourself. Good luck and God bless!

Get your parents to get into some teen counseling. They also have meds for this type of illness. Lots of people take them and they do fine. Also studying and reading on the pyschology site would help you apply therapy to your condition.

i think you need professional help. it s hard to work on all this on your own. talk to ppl close to you and ask for help.

You need to see a psychiatrist and get professional help.

I have had some of the same feeling as you. Therapy and meds have made things better for me.

You re a perfectionist? Gee, that s great. Think of how much better you are keeping things clean, than how a slob s place looks. Write down all your positives (we all have them) and you ll be surprised how many you have. Don t you have a nice friend who you can study with (before 3am)? Self discipline can be either quot;poorquot; or quot;goodquot;. You be your own adviser and make yourself do positive things (volunteer, help someone else, make cookies and take to a shut-in or relatives, and watch only decent shows on tv or videos. Think of how good you could look if you took care of yourself instead of self-neglect. You can be just as good and have fun as anyone else. Think positive. There is a book called quot;The Power of Positive Thinkingquot;. Get it free at a library and read in it every day until you begin to feel positive. You can turn this all around and be and feel like a new person, enjoying life, and being happy again. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, and Go For It! Good Luck.

Get plenty of sleep. If we don t sleep well it affects us all on all levels. Structure. We all need structure and make a list of what you need to do everyday. For instance. Be in bed by 9 pm or 10, Wake up at 7am make your bed and take a shower everyday and wash your hair everyday. Taking a shower and washing your hair stimulates your skin and all your senses it wakes up your body as well as good hygiene. Eat well balanced meals, breakfast lunch and dinner and eat fruit for snacks. Try to stay away from fast food and carbs like flour, rice etc. Eat protien, veggies, fruit, stay away from fruit juices and eat whole fruit instead. Exercise everyday, and make it vigours exercise to help release indorphins or good feeling hormones. If you have a dog take him for walks 3-4 times a day and talk to your neighbors as you come upon them, this give you practice at being social and enhances your self esteem. You would be surprised how many friends you make as you do this everyday and if you don t have a dog get one. Having a pet does wonders, you stop focusing on yourself and focus on taking care and loving a pet. They are happy to be near you and teach them tricks, and it s easier to meet other pet owners as you see the same people on walks everyday. The whole idea is to set up structure for yourself everyday and get out of the rut your in. Practice, Practice makes a habit.

You need to prioritize, decide what is more important. Perhaps making a schedule will help you out. First look at your week ahead and see what school activities and work if up coming. Set aside the necessary amount of time per day to accomplish that (right after school if possible). Make a check mark to show what you have completed for the day on that list. Then make yourself sit down and have a decent meal, of course you will have days when you want to cheat and have snacks (but keep a log of what you eat a will be surprised). Do a couple of chores (but spread them out through the week). Then make time for a nice walk or maybe a short time on a tread mill or a bike ride. Decide whether you have more time to take your showers in the morning or at night. If you think of something that needs to be done and it is bedtime or something....just write it down and make time for it the next day. If you are getting stressed out, find a quiet place and relax or go for a walk. You are much too young to be getting so overloaded like this. As years go on you will realize somethings really aren t all that important. If the dishes go 1 day unwashed or you dust only once a week or so...oh well. I used to get too bent out of shape, but it isn t worth it. If you can t get through this on your own, find someone you can talk to either a friend or a professional. Good luck

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