Saturday, September 12, 2009

Please help me.... idk how to handle this!? -

so this girl (Lauren) i met over 2 years ago and have been dating for almost 6 months now.she is AMAZING! probably one of the most amazing people you would ever meet. Lauren suffers from Pulmonary Hypertension and this past year her PH has gotten worst. (pulmonary hypertension is where you have high blood presser in your heart making it difficult to pump blood into the lungs to become oxygenated. she can barley walk from class to class without getting to tired. it is not only rare but incurable and life threatening.) for the last week she has been in the hospital because of her PH. Seeing her in the hospital, makes me feel horrible i cant take it. its not fare that she has to go through this. I honestly don t know how much longer i can take it. I don t know how to be there for her. how would you be there for someone that is going through something like this? should i bring her flowers or a gift to show that i do care... please i need help!

bring a book and read to her. make her a playlist for her mp3 player and take it to her. paint her nails. bring her some magazines.

well, buying her flowers is one way to get to her heart, but men dont understand, you dont need to spend money on most women, especially the amazing ones. because the amazing ones realize that there is more to life than money, so just be there to hold her hand and tell her that it s ok...if she dies, what do you think she s gonna remember, flowers or her boyfriend spending every moment he can holding her hand making sure that the hospital was doing everything it can to make sure she s ok?

if she needs to be in the hospital because of her condition bring fun activities that wont tire her out to her bed side. she is probably very bored you should sit with her talk to her bring her her favorite movies to watch play fun games with her maybe bring her flowers and leave them for her if shes asleep so she has something to wake up too. dont remind her all the time though that she is sick, you dont want to depress her. just make her feel normal and happy.

Honestly, all she needs is you to be there for her. That s all she needs to know is that you are by her side. If you feel like you can t take it anymore, how do you think she feels~ she s living it. Just be there for her Good luck! :0( ps the flowers might might make her breathing worse.

I know it s tough to deal with something like that, but you know what would make her happy and calm you down? Go to where she is and bring her flowers. Tell her she s beautiful and let her know how you feel. I m a girl and if I was in the hospital that would make my day. Hope I helped!8)

MAybe dnt make her feel diff. make her feel happy like as if everything is alright make her forget she is in the hospital show her u care take her a rose everyday you see her make her feel needed and wanted and tell her to be strong..and you should not give up on her and be strong for her

I have been in a similar situation and I have sympathy for the both of you. The most important thing for her now is to see you by her side. All the flowers and gifts in the world cannot compare to the gift of your presence. I wish both of you good health luck.

bring her flowers, chocolates, a big teddie bear and a really cute note that would be sooo cute, and i bet it will make her feel better and have the will to get better

Just be there for her. Visit her often... hospitals really suck and being with someone you care about can make all the difference. Time is the biggest charity to give. Best of luck to you and her and may God give her health.

I m sorry about that i think you should just treat her normally and share a few laughs and get her some flowers. But make sure to talk to her and make her feel comfortable..


guys calm down try to find her favorite thing or something she is dreaming about .

just be there for her hun. ask the nurses how you can help out and her parents. if your old enough to drive see if you can help run some errands so that her parents can spend more time with her and walk the dog if they have one. just do little eveyday tasks for her and her family that ll be more help than you think. and flowers are always nice too but dont break the bank. just show her lots of love and care. bring some meals in, hold her hand, watch movies, read to her, so on and so forth. she ll appreciate it. hopefully that helps and i m praying for her. hopefully it wont be painful.

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