Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ways to bring down blood pressure? -

I have hypertension (high BP) and I have been on BP medication for a long time. Just last week my BP med had to be increased almost double because my BP has become very elevated and will not level out. This is the first time that I have had this problem. What can I do to help decrease my BP? I take my BP med everyday, faithfully, so it s not because of that. I m just wondering what are some other ways to bring high BP down. Anyone having the same problem and getting it under control please tell me how you did it. Thank you!

Potassium plays a large factor in controlling b/p since it helps the heart go thumpity thump thump on a regular basis. Most doctor s do not tell you when they prescribe a med for hypertension that you may need to keep watch on your potassium level, as some of the meds tend to knock the potassium lower than what you need it to have a healthy b/p. Please read food labels and increase your intake of potassium. V-8 juice, Juicy Juice, many dried fruits are high in potassium. Potatoes, green leafy veg s, certain cereals, grains, are also high in potassium. Just explore and you ll find a bunch of things which are good for your heart. I learned the hard way. I was hospitalized a couple of times since my primary care physician did NOT tell me this little tid bit of info. Since I ve found out, I faithfully drink my favorite juices which are high in potassium, plus consume the fruits and vegs which also are. Also, please try and keep your stress level low, or at a manageable rate. Stress can raise your b/p faster than one would think. Meditation, or just alone time is advised. If someone annoys you, walk away. All has been well since I began this regime. Good luck to your own self.

Hi Lady Rhinestone Believe it or not, getting enough Vitamin D can really help. I ll leave you with some interesting links on this and other ways to bring your blood pressure down without drugs. href="rel="nofollow">href="rel="nofollow">href="rel="nofollow">href="rel="nofollow">href="rel="nofollow">href="rel="nofollow">hope this helps some! Good luck!

i would definitely try cutting back on your salt intake. water follows salt.. so if salt is accumulating in your body.. so is water. the fluid retention increases your blood pressure. also, if you don t already exercise, start doing so. even just walking several times a week is beneficial. lifestyle modifications are just as important as the antihypertensives you are taking.

Unsure. Highly recommend check these books out for more info. They are Our Bodies, Ourselves (and Worst Pills, Best Pills: A Consumer s Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Death or Illness (

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS: Try eating 20 Goji Berries every day, or drink 4 oz. 100% pure Goji Berry Juice daily to normalize blood pressure. Avoid OTC meds as they can interreact with your prescription b/p meds and send blood pressure skyrocketing to the point you have to go to the ER for help. People who suffer from high blood pressure usually need daily supplements of the following: garlic, celery, Omega fish oils, potassium, calcium, zinc, selenium, and magnesium. The following foods help to normalize blood pressure when eaten: Skim milk, spinach, unsalted sunflower seeds, beans, baked white potatoes, bananas, soybeans, and dark chocolate. Drink lots of pure water every day, a minimum of 4 pints or 8 glasses, and you will feel better fast. Blood Pressure meds can cause your electrolytes to get out of balance. Electrolytes are a simple mixture of sugar, salt, and water. GATORADE You can make your own Gatorade for pennies by taking a gallon water, 1 cup orange juice, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 cup sugar, and 1 pkg. Lemon-lime Kool Aid. Mix together and enjoy. This recipe replaces the electrolytes needed within. For instant relief, stick your index fingers in both your ears and push them up slightly. Hold to the count of ten. This should lower your blood pressure at once. Try eating two apples a day. The pectin may help. Eat avocadoes, beets, cantaloupe, figs, lemons, limes, and garlic to normalize blood pressure. Eat raw garlic in a salad, and cook with it or take 600 mg. garlic capsules daily. Eat two bananas daily. Bananas contain both potassium and magnesium. Eat four stalks celery daily to normalize your blood pressure. Salmon, tuna, and mackerel all contain the necessary fish oils. You can also buy these fish oils at an herb store and take in capsules. Look for Omega-3 fish oils. Eat 1/2 cup blueberries daily. Sprinkle cayenne pepper on your food daily. Take 500 mg. Vitamin C daily. Gallium Nitrate Cream (14% strength) can be applied topically for relief of arthritis pain. Mullein is a good herbal pain reliever. Watch your table salt (sodium chloride) intake. Use Celtic sea salt, or gray salt, if you like, as it is not robbed of all its nutrients.

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