Saturday, October 24, 2009

Suggest yoga for weight gain, muscles and good digestion..? -

suggest yoga for weight gain, muscles and good digestion.....and to lower hypertension/stress/chest pain....

A great way to ease digestion is to sit on your heels and put your hands, palms up, on your lap so that your right and left fingertips face one another. This helps the digestive organs realign and aid digestion. doesn t help in weight gain. it keep your body trim.

Yoga means not only Pranayama and asanas. Yoga is different. As for Pranayama and asanas, they will help you in digestion, to lower hypertension,chest pain,stress and what not, they will make your body and mind healthy. As for gaining weight ask a Pranayama Teacher whether you can gain weight. If you have the access learn asana and pranayama from a teacher, Before starting Pranayama you need to do Nadi shuddi. For Nadi shuddi, at morning, noon, evening, night keep the right thumb on right nostril and breathe through left nostril(as per capacity) and immediately leave the breath from right nostril and repeat the same process with left nostril.Do this 3 to 5 times. You should do nadi shuddi at dawn, noon, evening, midnight.

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